Thursday, June 7, 2018

Know All About Medical Billing Payment Posting Services & Outsourcing

Payment Posting in Medical Billing

Medical billing payment posting is the final step of the medical billing process. In this step, all the payment-related information is entered into the billing software. The information includes patients demographics, procedure codes, billed amounts, adjusted amounts, denial information, etc. It is healthcare provider’s responsibility to enter the correct information in the billing software. Having the correct information loaded saves time & energy and medical billing payment posting services help to increase the revenues.
Payment Posting Services
When a healthcare provider experiences low collections, they often focus on account receivable follow-up to see what went wrong. This narrow view can not permit healthcare providers to examine the major cause that could be responsible for low collection levels. In most cases, the inaccurate information is the major cause for delayed payments and low collections. For small healthcare providers, it is not easy to hire a team for medical billing payment posting because the team costs more and setting-up infrastructure would certainly make a big hole in the pocket. And most of the time, even large healthcare providers have to suffer a lot to perform medical billing payment posting process effectively.
In that case, the only solution is to outsource medical billing payment posting services to a reliable and proven outsourcing service provider. But, before taking any step further, healthcare providers should consider following factors when choosing medical billing payment posting outsourcing services:

4 factors to consider when choosing Medical Billing Payment Posting Outsourcing Services

When it comes to outsourcing medical billing payment posting services, many healthcare providers confuse whether it is a good idea or not. For those of you contemplating outsourcing, I recommend that you should first conduct a formal analysis of your healthcare practice to confirm if outsourcing is for you. A skilled and well-experienced medical billing payment posting outsourcing service provider ensures that the dollars invested would generate a positive return.
The four factors are following:

Control- A healthcare provider must have the ability to control the quality of outsourced medical billing payment posting services.

Performance- To get the positive results, the performance of outsourcing service must be greater than that of the in-house service.

Communication- Effective communication is essential. A good outsourcing service provider can hamper the communication channel and increase the effectiveness of outsourcing services.

Cost- The cost of medical billing payment posting outsourcing services must be less than the cost of managing the same service in-house. Otherwise, why bother?

Role of  Outsourced Medical Billing Payment Posting  Company

Medical billing payment posting outsourcing company helps healthcare providers to avoid billing errors and keep up with latest medical billing rules and regulations. An outsourcing service company saves your time & energy and enables you to provide high-quality care to your patients.

SSR TECHVISION is a leading medical billing service company. Its headquarter is situated in the United States (USA), and it also has it's branch  in India. They provides flexible and cost-effective services that help healthcare providers to manage medical payment posting process efficiently.

How can an outsourcing service provider improve quality of Healthcare Payment Posting functions?

A good outsourcing service provider not only establishes and implements a monitoring system but also identifies the opportunities to improve the quality of the whole payment posting process. Following points can describe how an outsourcing service provider improves the quality of healthcare payment posting services:

  • Identify quality issues;
  • Access the cause, scope, and impact of each quality issue;
  • Evaluate each quality issue;
  • Determine alternative solutions;
  • Implement the best solution; and
  • Monitor progress.


In conclusion, medical billing payment posting outsourcing services play a vital role in maintaining medical records. Medical billing payment posting outsourcing services not only lower the operating costs down but also help healthcare providers to improve the patient experience & satisfaction.

Why Should You Select Healthcare BPO Services For Your Business?

About Healthcare BPO Services

Healthcare BPO services are becoming the choice of medical service providers looking to cut down the costs while improving core practices. The major reason behind for opting healthcare outsourcing services is to free the core team from doing non-core healthcare functions. Outsourcing helps hospitals or organizations to improve performance and reduce risk. Healthcare providers that want to build a more competitive business, eliminate the unnecessary operating costs, invest more time & energy on managing hospitals day-to-day affairs and satisfy the patients’ need. Healthcare BPO services not only solve administrative issues but also increase the cash flow.

In this day and age, the competition is very high in the healthcare industry. To meet this challenge, healthcare BPO services are paving the way for hospitals and healthcare organizations and also enabling them to compete globally and increase their profits. The trend of utilization of a healthcare BPO service provider has crossed all the barriers of cultural difference and proved that it doesn’t matter in which part of this entire world the Healthcare BPO Companies are situated.

Reasons to select healthcare outsourcing services

By healthcare outsourcing, hospitals or healthcare organizations able to focus on their core competencies.

Outsourcing is more than just decreasing the operating costs; it is about improving focus on core healthcare services, freeing up resources, and much more.

Outsourcing helps to avoid hiring additional professional to support non-core operations.

Outsourcing enables healthcare providers to meet the deadlines.

Outsourcing plays a major role in the improvement of healthcare core operation management, risk management, and service delivery skills.

Outsourcing helps healthcare providers to provide round the clock support to their patients.

Outsourcing helps hospitals to deliver high-quality healthcare services to the patients.

Benefits of Healthcare BPO Services

By healthcare BPO services, hospitals can cut down unnecessary operating costs and also bring other expenses under better control.

Healthcare Outsourcing ServicesMedical BPO services enable healthcare providers to focus on building a more competitive business.

Outsourcing firm also offers valuable guidance and skills that would be beneficial for your medical practices.

Healthcare BPO companies gives scalable and flexible services that can meet your changing requirements.

By healthcare BPO services, hospitals can have the latest technology & infrastructure with less amount of investment.

Choose Your Outsourcing service Provider Wisely!

If a healthcare organization wants to make outsourcing a win-win decision, you have to ensure that you have chosen a reliable and specialized company in the business. A good vendor utilizes its skills, expertise, and technology to improve your healthcare organization’s reputation in the market. Highly qualified and talented professionals play a major role to provide top-notch healthcare outsourcing services.

SSR TECHVISION is a leading healthcare BPO company. Its head office is located in the United States of America (USA), and also established the office in India. SSR TECHVISION makes healthcare outsourcing more efficient, multiply cash-flow and lessen the number of denials, and has proper policies and procedures for preserving and maintaining the confidentiality of data.


The constantly increasing demand for quality healthcare poses a challenge to healthcare providers. Healthcare BPO services not only increase the of hospitals’ core services but also enable them to monitor overall healthcare practices, and help to adequately meet growing healthcare demand.